Product for sale
HP 9000 715/100 Workstation
8 x 32MB Memory Kits
2 SE SCSI-2 Disk Drive
1 x EISA Riser board
HP-UX Pre-loaded (9.05, 10.20, 11.00, or 11.11 / v1)
These workstation can be custom configured upon request.
Product Specifications / Overview
HP 9000 / 715-100 Desk-top Workstation
100MHz CPU PA-7100LC PA-RISC Processor
Standard Ports on the 715/100
1. SE SCSI-2 Interface
2. RS-232 / Serial Ports
1. Centronics / Parallel Port
1. 802.3 LAN-AUI
1. 15-pin Video Port
1. HIL Keyboard Connect
2. Mini-Din keyboard & mouse port
Maximum Memory: 256MB
Optional Graphics: HCRX 8, 24, 8Z, 24Z & Visualize 8, 24
Maximum Internal Disk Drives: 2
Maximum Media Drives: 1
Expansion Slots (Optional) : 1 EISA
HP-UX 11.11, 11.00, 10.20, 9.05 – Supported operating systems
欢迎来到北京中盛广信息技术有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市大兴区西红门镇北京市大兴区西红门镇宏旭路1号,联系人是冯女士。
主要经营专业提供HP/IBM小型机UNIX服务器 存储整机及备件。
HP9000 动能 安腾 AlphaServer IBM RS6000 Power4 Power5 Power6系列
HP-UNIX/AIX/Linux/Tru64/OpenVMS 操作系统。。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。